Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Liebster Award: Thanks so much The Fashion Pad!

Hey guys

I wanted to give a special thanks to Latoya of The Fashion Pad for awarding me the The Liebster Award

The Liebster blog award is given to amazing bloggers with less than 200 followers to get them exposure and allow them to make more connections! 

I have to do is pick 5 fabulous bloggers to give the award to. I choose the following:

  1. The Lacquer Factor
  2. The Style Qween
  3. The Creation Of Beauty
  4. A diary of a Chocolate London girl
  5. Fashion Oh My

Thank you so much for supporting my blog from the beginning! Everyone please show them some love of their blogs as well!

I wish I can pick out more! I think all my followers blogs are amazing!

Award recipients must:

1. Show your appreciation to your award giver by linking
    back to them.

2. Comment on the blogs that you have chosen, so they are
    aware of the award you have given them.

3.  Post the award to your blog!



  1. thats a very cute idea :)
    thank you so much for commenting on my blog

    join my little giveaway if you want to :)


  2. This is such a great idea. As a new blogger myself I just realized the vast amount of blogs out in the interweb hahaha.


    PS: Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I really appreciate your lovely comment and I hope you'll return soon :)

  3. Thanks for following!

    Please take a minute to look at my trunkshow;
